Settling for black, because it’s slimming or just easier to wear? Wondering which colors enhance you? Which ones drain you? Sentenced to a “season” and forbidden from wearing your favorite shades? Confused about the rules for mixing or matching?
If you’re limiting or avoiding colors in your wardrobe, you’re missing out on a significant image tool. Color is powerful, personal, and influential. It effects emotions, visibility and results. When worn “right,” color supports success. When worn “wrong,” it undermines communication and blocks personal connections.
In this 3-hour workshop, you’ll learn how to wear the shades you love and tap into the invisible power of color. You’ll discover:
• The right colors for you
• Strategies for wearing whatever colors you want
• Rules for coordinating hues to create a perfectly polished look
• The deeper power of color: how to choose the right colors to help yourself — and others — gain confidence, navigate sticky situations, enjoy experiences more fully or inspire action.
This workshop is for women and men.
To register, call (713) 686-8587 or email
May 26, 2012 1-4 PM
Location: Houston Galleria Area (location details will be provided upon registration)
Fee: $149 for pre-registration, $175 after May 21, 2012