Category Archives: Professional

Does Your Headshot Look Like You?

Does Your Headshot Look Like You?

PhotoGrid_1549691023231I was watching a documentary about Alan Eustace’s free fall from the strastosphere to earth…and up pops a head shot of an Inventor, Biosphearian, Space Entrepreneur, CEO, all-around badass…then a cut to an interview with her. Here is a side-by-side comparison of her head shot (left) and her interview (right). The disconnect is shocking.

This problem shows up all the time on business cards, websites and brochures – people don’t look like their photo or the photo doesn’t relate to their work. Too much retouching, the wrong clothes, glamour makeup, uncomfortable weird poses all send the wrong message. When you don’t look like your photo, people won’t recognize you when they see you in person, and worse – they won’t trust you because you misrepresented yourself. When your photo doesn’t relate to your work, you give the impression that you are an amateur or don’t take your work seriously.

PhotoGrid_1557160580189Here is another head shot I found online that would have been a better choice. Why is it better? Because she looks like herself, she is wearing business attire and the setting reflects her business and scientific expertise.

Many people rely on a photographer to advise them. Keep in mind that photographers specialize in different kinds of photography – adventure, artistic, bridal, catalogue, corporate, documentary, editorial, etc. The photographer can give you information about what typically works best for their style of photography. The bad news is, it’s not the photographer’s job to make sure your clothes, makeup, and set up reflect you, your expertise or your business. It’s your job to choose the right photographer, communicate the message you want delivered in the photograph, show up with the right clothes and grooming to deliver that message, and approve the degree and type of touch up that is applied to your photographs.

What To Wear: Dressing For An Interview

What To Wear: Dressing For An Interview

This post was originally published on  Mothers may advise wearing a standard navy suit to an interview, but times have changed and that old-fashioned statement may get you eliminated faster than you can blink an eye. These days, appropriate business attire is much more personal and difficult to define. What is appropriate for one… Continue Reading

“Dress For Success” is BS

“Dress For Success” is BS

How many times have your employees been told what to wear to the office? I’d guess it’s a lot. If employees still aren’t “getting it,” it’s not them. It’s the way they are being told.

Most presentations and discussions about professional dress focus on “dress code” and “dress for success” advice. This advice is seldom useful and rarely leads to lasting change in employee attire. Here’s why “Dress For Success” doesn’t work. Continue Reading

TV Segment: Power Of Color – Effect Of Color On The 2012 Presidential Debates

TV Segment: Power Of Color – Effect Of Color On The 2012 Presidential Debates

The colors you wear activate different emotions and behaviours in yourself and others. The right colors can support your confidence and verbal message and the wrong colors can undermine them. Here is a summary of the effect of color on the Presidential debates. Continue Reading