Here are results from using the Clarisonic Sonic Radiance system for 6 weeks, plus more info about using the cleaners and Clarisonic brush. SPOILER ALERT: It’s working! Photos of my skin after six weeks are below the video.
After using the Clarisonic Sonic Radiance system for about 6 weeks, my face is much smoother and softer, the pores on my nose are unclogged and clear, and the spots are starting to fade. Fading spots takes time, consistency and patience! Here are some close ups of my face.

I’m going to keep using the system…will check back in a few more weeks. Here are links for the rest of the series…
Field Test: Clarisonic Sonic Radiance Part 1 (September 15, 2015) – Before pictures, info about the products and how to use instructions.