While working in corporate boardrooms,
chemical plants, restaurants, research
laboratories, and fashion shows, Sarah noticed
how differently people are perceived and treated
depending on the image they present. Instead
of resisting that reality, Sarah learned to “speak”
the language of fashion and translate it into
successful images. Sarah uses this knowledge and experience to help women and
men create images that communicate their authentic message and manage the
reality of image and judgement.
Sarah earned a BA in Physics from the University of Chicago. While she has
moved away from the field of Physics and other scientific pursuits, she draws
on that knowledge to make clients look fabulous in all environments using her
understanding of light, angles, motion, and perception.
Sarah’s innovative use of color in wardrobe and make-up stems from her studies in
the fine arts. She applies the principles of classical sculpture and theories of hue,
tone, and shade to illuminate and flatter the human form.
Sarah works in Houston and Boston with individuals, teams, corporations and
Industry clients. Representative services include: wardrobe, makeup, accessories,
shopping, and TV delivered in personal appointments, workshops, and speeches.
Sarah is also a contributor to Great Day Houston (Houston Channel 11, KHOU), a
guest instructor for the University of Houston Continuing Education, and Houston
Community College Fashion Design Program and teacher at the Page Parkes
Center For Modeling and Acting (Makeup for Commercial Print and Television).