Category Archives: Decode The Outfit

Analysis of the elements of an outfit to determine what it says about the wearer.

The Hat & The Power Of TV

What were people talking about after the Inauguration? Aretha Franklin’s hat! It upstaged Michelle Obama’s outfits, the cutest first children, The Oath, Revs. Warren and Lowry, and Aretha’s rendition of “My Country “Tis Of Thee.” Some people liked “The Hat,” some didn’t and EVERYONE was buzzing about it. For comedians, The Hat was the subject… Continue Reading

Tattoos – Taboo And Evolution

Tattoos – Taboo and EvolutionTattoos are as varied as the people who wear them – private and deeply personal or a public declaration to everyone we encounter. More and more, tattoos are aaccepted as artforms, appreciated for their beauty and as a form of creative expression for the artist and the wearer. “Ink” has been… Continue Reading

Panty Hose – Image Dynamite

Panty Hose: Image Dynamite Panty Hose. One pair can blow the whole look, the whole meeting, the whole negotiation, the whole opportunity. Can you believe something that costs so little can cost so much? Have You Been Panty-Hosed? Panty Hose. Two little words, so much passion. It’s the most emotionally charged image subject of our… Continue Reading